We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like learning to read and reading the books on the shelf in my classroom." La Grande School District
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like to do my favorite subject, which is art." La Grande School District
If the proposed bond is passed, it would raise $4.845 million, and the district would receive a state grant of $4 million, for a total of $8.845 million for proposed projects.
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Did you know? Bond Fact
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like social studies and science, and I really liked the dinosaur unit." La Grande School District
The La Grande School District Board of Directors has a Regular Board Meeting coming up on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM in the District Office Board Room. Please click here for more information: https://www.lagrandesd.org/page/board-meetings For the agenda click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uw5XNDZFvgEJDgcYy6RMyCtTLebRsZxcSb5gmWS2wlQ/edit
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
La Grande School District logo with "Board Meeting"
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "My football team feels like a family with good competition and a bonding experience." La Grande School District
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like clubs you can contribute to like FFA, which was such an amazing club to take part in at LHS" La Grande School District
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like learning new things and reading books." La Grande School District
Are you registered to vote in the May 2022 election? You can REGISTER ONLINE at this link: https://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/registration.aspx?lang=en
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Register to Vote!
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like the Library because it's very quiet, and I have fun with my TAG teacher there." La Grande School District
If the LGSD proposed General Obligation Bond is passed, proposed bond measure projects would include: *Replace the Annex at La Grande Middle School with a new Academic & Athletic Center *Relocate Maintenance Department to Adams Professional Plaza
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Did you know? Bond Fact
English- https://5il.co/17z1y Spanish- https://5il.co/17z21 Cuukese- https://5il.co/17z1v Marshallese- https://5il.co/17z1w The La Grande School District is looking forward to having your child in kindergarten in the fall. If your student will be 5 years old before September 1, 2022, let's get them registered! The Kindergarten Round-Up is an opportunity for your child to meet the kindergarten teachers and register. Join us on Monday, April 25th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the gym at 1305 N. Willow Street. Bring a copy of the student's birth certificate, a copy of his/her immunization records, and proof of residency. For more information, please contact one of the following: Central School - Angie Malone - 541-663-3501 Greenwood School - Eva McKinney - 541-663-3601 Island City School - Dena Tams - 541-663-3271
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Kindergarten Round-Up  with a graphic of kids riding stick horses with cowboy hats on
Thank you, Clyde, for sharing what you like about your school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like learning new math, working with numbers and figuring out equations." La Grande School District
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like the teachers and all they do for us!" La Grande School District
Earn 'Double Up" at Participating Grocery Stores and Farmers Markets: GO to La Grande's participating grocery store (Market Place Fresh Foods). BRING your SNAP (Oregon Trail) card. BUY fresh fruits and vegetables with your SNAP card. GET up to $20 with Double Up Food Bucks for free fresh fruits and vegetables. or GO to the La Grande Farmer's Market information tent (opens May 21st). SWIPE your SNAP (Oregon Trail) card for tokens to buy SNAP eligible foods. MATCH up to $20 a day with Double Up Food Bucks for fruits and vegetables. SHOP for fresh fruits and vegetables at the market.
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Picture of fruits and vegetables on a table and "Double Up Food Bucks Oregon"
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like my teacher because she is nice and teaches us math." La Grande School District
Save the date!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
LGSD logo with Bond Information Parent Nights. Attend at your child's school or choose another date to better fit your schedule. All nights will have a virtual option, too. Greenwood Gym - April 5; 6:00 PM; Central Gym -o April 7; 6:00 PM; LMS Commons - April 11; 6:00 PM; LHS AV Auditorium - Aril 14; 6:00 PM; Island City Library - April 21; 6:00 PM
Check out the latest La Grande Pride Newsletter! https://5il.co/17cmf
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Hot off the press! La Grande Pride Newsletter
For more information about the proposed bond measure go to www.lagrandesd.org/bond
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
LGSD logo with "Bond information"
We love hearing what our students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like the support of the sports teams because it's like having a family." La Grande School District