April is School Library Month! Now is the time to celebrate the essential role that school libraries play in student learning.
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
images of light bulb, pencil and paint brush, lightbulb over open hand and a plant sprouting from a book with text April is School Libary Month
images of butteflies wtih the text school libaries transform learning
Side A Brewing is hosting a Greenwood Elementary Family Fundraiser Night on Wednesday, April 10th from 4 pm to 9 pm. Contact PTS-greenwoodPTS@gmail.com for more details.
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
Side A brewing logo as well as the Greenwood giant logo in the bottom corner of the flyer
Grande Ronde Hospital Presents: Eating Disorder Grande Rounds on May 16, 2024 from 9 am to 10:30 AM, in the Mt Emily Conference room at Grande Ronde Hospital.
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
Red cross with workds eating disorders in the center of a heart made up of medical symbols like hearts, pills, blood
World Autism Month is Celebrated each April. The purpose is to increase awareness and acceptance around autism and to provide opportunities that build a more welcoming and inclusive world for people with autism.
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
puzzle piece with text autism speaks workld autism month
Kindergarten Round-Up will be on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 5 - 7 PM at the Willow Elementary School Gym, 1305 N Willow St. For more info contact: Central School-Angie Malone 541-663-3501 Greenwood School-Shellie West 541-663-3601 Island City School-Wendie Perry 541-663-3271
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
Kindergarten Round-Up will be on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 5 - 7 PM at the Willow Elementary School Gym, 1305 N Willow St.  For more info contact: Central School-Angie Malone 541-663-3501 Greenwood School-Shellie West 541-663-3601 Island City School-Wendie Perry 541-663-3271
There is NO SCHOOL in the La Grande School District during SPRING BREAK from March 25-29. Have a safe and restful break! School resumes on Monday, April 1.
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
spring break written in the sand
La Grande Little League Skill Evaluations & Team Formations are on Saturday, March 16, 2024. Email lglladmin@lagrandelittle.net for more info!
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
La Grande LIttle League info on team formations over the watermark of a baseball.
Kid's Night Out will be this Friday, March 15th, from 5:00 PM to 8j: at the LHS Gym. Cost is $20 and includes pizza and lots of fun!! Check out https://lhs.lagrandesd.org/page/lhs-fundraisers for more details!
9 months ago, Deb Comfort
Kids night out flyer with pizza, a basketball and a movie reel  along with event information
International Social Emotional Learning Day on March 10th is a way to celebrate the way SEL is “Uplifting Hearts, Connecting Minds.” Studies show SEL reduces stress and promotes self-regulation, self-awareness, social awareness, decision-making, and relationship building. Here are some specific examples of how SEL can positively impacts students: Higher levels of empathy Increased social confidence Better attitude about school More responsible decisions Better recognition of emotions When your student is recognizing difficult emotions and would like help finding a mental health care provider for them, use Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential care coordination service provided by La Grande School District: Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. Visit caresolace.com/lagrande and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone. Our goal is for our students to have uplifted hearts and connected minds!
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
photo of diverse group of young people with the text Social Emotional Learning Day
Reminder! Don't forget to set your clocks forward on Sunday, March 10, 2024!!
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
Time change coming up on Sunday March 10, 2024 at 2 am with 3 alarm clocks below the text
Reminder! Don't forget to set your clocks forward on Sunday, March 10, 2024!!
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
Time change coming up...March 10, 2024 at 2 am. with 3 alarm clocks below the font
EOU Spring Soccer Skills Academy April 30th through May 23rd. Go to https://eousports.com/sports/2021/5/17/camps-and-clinics for more details.
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
EOU Spring Soccer Skills academy with a water mark of the EOU soccer field
UCYSA Spring Soccer starts March 11th! See ucysa.org for more details.
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
image with soccer ball and mt emily and text UCYSA Spring Soccer starts March 11th! See ucysa.org for more details.
La Grande Little League 2024 Spring Registration is now OPEN! Go to lagrandelittleleague.net for more information!
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
La Grande Little League 2024 spring registration information overlaying a baseball next to the batter's box
La Grande School District #1 will be closed on Monday, February 19, 2024, in honor of President's Day.
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
image of US flag at sunrise with text: Happy President's Day, in honor of President's day, La Grande School District #1 will be closed on Monday, February 19, 2024
Congratulations to Paige Allen for being selected as an OSAA Athlete of the Week! Paige won the Hood River Valley Girls Invitational and the Lady Huskie Invitational (WA). She has a current record of 30-4 this season. Tiger up!!!
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
image of athlete of the week Paige Allen from LHS girls wrestling
Let’s make kindness the norm this week! As we all work to create a kinder world, we can start with ourselves and our community. We invite you to celebrate Valentine’s Day (February 14th) and Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th) by spreading kindness. There is no limit on the amount of goodness we can put into the world. Every ounce of kindness matters and inspires kindness in others. Ready to participate in the Kindness Challenge? Here are ideas to get started: Join the #MakeKindnessTheNorm challenge and share your acts of kindness on social media. Practice kindness and self-compassion with these guided practices and exercises: Self Compassion Practices Some of us are already taking steps to find professional help with our well-being and perhaps you or a loved one should too. If you or a family member would like help finding a mental health care provider, use Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential coordination service provided by La Grande School District: Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. Visit caresolace.com/lagrande and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone. Spreading kindness improves our well-being and fosters a caring community. What will you do to spread kindness this week?
10 months ago, Deb Comfort
magenta background with the words kindness is contagious every day choose to be kind and Care Solace at the bottom right
PUBLIC NOTICE – SAFETY CONCERN Today, February 8, 2024, La Grande School District received a report that a male in a black SUV pulled up next to a student who was walking to the middle school. The individual attempted to get the student in his vehicle. LMS administrators were notified and informed law enforcement of the event. Additional law enforcement patrols were requested and will be patrolling the area and school sites. Please visit with your student(s) about the potential danger of getting into vehicles with people they do not know. For additional information on how to talk with your student about the potential dangers you may access this resource. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/stranger-danger-and-stranger-safety
11 months ago, Deb Comfort
text stating News from the La Grande School District over the image of mt Emily
February 21, 2024 is School Exclusion Day. If your student needs a vaccine CHD or the School-Based Health Center can help! Call 541-663-3330 or 541-962-8801 for fee information.
11 months ago, Deb Comfort
IMage with germs and information on  vaccinations
National School Counseling Week is February 5-9th. We thank our school counselors for their contributions to our students and school communities. School counselors help students succeed in school and plan their careers while encouraging them to set healthy goals, mindsets, and behaviors. They have a huge impact on our entire school community. As we move forward into the new year, we encourage you to pause and take care of your own well-being. Reach out to a counselor if needed, and if you need additional help, Care Solace is available to support all of us. If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace will help you navigate the mental health care system, explain your options, and quickly find available providers in our local community. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided by La Grande School District. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider: Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. Visit caresolace.com/lagrande and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone. May we all be happy and healthy!
11 months ago, Deb Comfort
chalkboard and person's hand with the work thank you written in different colors and languages