January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please thank our amazing Board Members for all they do for La Grande School District. Today we recognize Director Bruce Kevan and his dedication to education and LGSD students!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Thank you  School Board Director Bruce Kevan!
The Winter Walk and Roll to School Day will be February 8, 2023!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
The Winter Walk and Roll to School Day will be February 8, 2023! Image of a dog in winter clothes and a robot in a wheelchair with a scarf.
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please thank our amazing Board Members for all they do for La Grande School District. Today we recognize Director Danelle Lindsey for her dedication to LGSD students and our community!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Thank you School Board Director Danelle Lindsey!
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please thank our amazing Board Members for all they do for La Grande School District. Today we recognize Director Randy Shaw and his dedication to LGSD students and our community!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Thank you  School Board Director Randy Shaw!
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please thank our amazing Board Members for all they do for La Grande School District. Today we recognize Director Robin Maille and her continued dedication to LGSD students!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Thank you School Board Director Robin Maille!
Get on Board! Become a voice for Oregon Students! La Grande School Board Member, Robin Maille shares what it means to be a School Board member. "School board work is important to me because I get to see the results of our decisions over time. All decisions are meant to support kids as they navigate learning in our schools-whether it is related to policy, budget, curriculum, social-emotional support or facility improvement. It is important to support and work with the superintendent and other board members, not against them. We make decisions as a group, through active listening and patience. Expect to invest time in learning about the schools and being part of the committees to explore options and plan for the future." www.getonboardoregon.org
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
picture of La Grande School Board Member, Robin Maille who says "School board work is important to me because I get to see the results of our decisions over time. All decisions are meant to support kids as they navigate learning in our schools-whether it is related to policy, budget, curriculum, social-emotional support or facility improvement. It is important to support and work with the superintendent and other board members, not against them. We make decisions as a group, through active listening and patience. Expect to invest time in learning about the schools and being part of the committees to explore options and plan for the future."
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please thank our amazing Board Members for all they do for La Grande School District. Today we recognize Director Merle Comfort and his years of dedication to LGSD students!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Thank you  School Board Director Merle Comfort!
OMSI Science Night for 3 to 7 year-olds is coming up at Central Elementary on Monday, January 30, 2023. Parents and siblings welcome to attend. The event is free and includes dinner at 5 PM with the event at 5:45 PM. For more information: contact@bluemountainearlylearninghub.org
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
OMSI Science Night for 3 to 7 year olds at Central Elementary on Monday, January 30, 2023. Parents and siblings welcome to attend. Even is free and includes dinner, beginning at 5 PM. Event is at 5:45 PM. For more information: contact@bluemountainearlylearninghub.org
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please thank our amazing Board Members for all they do for La Grande School District. Today we recognize Director Jake Hanson his dedication to LGSD students!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Thank you School Board Director Jake Hanson!
Check out the latest La Grande Pride Newsletter!! https://5il.co/1mahb
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Hot off the press! La Grande Pride Newsletter
Oregon parents and caregivers, WHAT ARE YOU CHILD CARE NEEDS? The Early Learning Division is asking for feedback on your family’s experience searching for and using child care. Take the survey and help make a difference! Your input will help the state understand family needs and increase support for child care providers. All parents and caregivers who complete the survey will receive a $20 Amazon gift card! Visit https://redcap.link/ChildcareSurvey2022-P to complete the 15-minute survey. Survey closes January 31, 2023. Questions? Contact Denise Ford with ODI at (916) 205-6851.
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Oregon parents and caregivers,  WHAT ARE YOU CHILD CARE NEEDS?  The Early Learning Division is asking for feedback on your family’s experience searching for and using child care. Take the survey and help make a difference! Your input will help the state understand family needs and increase support for child care providers.   All parents and caregivers who complete the survey will receive a $20 Amazon gift card!   Visit https://redcap.link/ChildcareSurvey2022-P  to complete the 15-minute survey.  Survey closes January 31, 2023.  Questions? Contact Denise Ford with ODI at (916) 205-6851.       	   Padres de familia en Oregon,  ¿CUÁLES SON SUS NECESIDADES DE CUIDADO INFANTIL?  La División de Aprendizaje Temprano está pidiendo su retroalimentación sobre la experiencia de su familia en la búsqueda y el uso de los servicios de cuidado infantil.  ¡Tome la encuesta y ayúdenos a marcar una diferencia! Su participación ayudará al estado a entender mejor las necesidades de las familias y aumentar el apoyo a los proveedores de cuidado infantil.  Todos los padres de familia y tutores legales que completan una encuesta recibirán una Tarjeta de Regalo de $20 de Amazon  Visite https://redcap.link/ChildcareSurvey2022-P para tomar la encuesta de 15 minutos.   La encuesta cierra el 31 de enero 2023.  ¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con Laura Wilson de ODI al (458) 200-1203.
Winter is here! Dress Warmly! Winter weather is here, don’t forget to send your child with appropriate clothing for the cold weather. Remember to check your school's lost and found for missing items.
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
snowy winter scene with a girl in a yellow jacket, hat and scarf
National Special Education Day is December 2nd. This day commemorates the signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) into law in 1975 and celebrates the students, teachers and administration striving to make special education possible for students. Learn more: https://nationaltoday.com/special-education-day/
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
paper and books with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act printed on the paper
Mid-Columbia Bus Company has new leadership and is seeking the opinion of the parents to improve their service that is provided to your child every day. Your feedback is critical to the new team as this will help them with their long-term efforts to improve our service. Please fill out the attached survey to help them improve their service. It will take less than 5 minutes. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLooeHVl3n35Xre71J_IPNPNqFRYa0SJjx_k8b8lbkYijBXQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Thank you in advance for your valuable insights. Your input will be used to ensure that we continue to meet your needs as your child’s school transportation provider. We appreciate your trust in us and look forward to serving you in the future.
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
we want your feedback! Take the survey
Happy Thanksgiving! The La Grande School District will be closed from Monday, November 21, 2022, to Friday, November 25, 2022. Have a wonderful time. See you back on Monday, November 28, 2022.
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Happy Thanksgiving! The La Grande School District will be closed from Monday, November 21, 2022 to Friday, November 25, 2022. Have a wonderful time. See you back on Monday, November 28, 2022.
La Grande School District will be closed on Friday, November 11, 2022, in honor of Veterans Day.
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
La Grande School District will be closed in honor of Veterans Day on Friday, November 11, 2022.
Routines and Character Education with Michael Sedler, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Virtual Link: meet.google.com/xkf-pqks-dyp This event is open to all staff, parents, guardians, community partners, and organizations to support children ages 5-18 (Grades K-12).
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Routines and Character Education with Michael Sedler, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.  Virtual	Link: meet.google.com/xkf-pqks-dyp  This event is open to all staff,	parents, guardians, community partners,	and organizations to support children ages 5-18	(Grades	K-12).
Conscious Discipline for Families! Free class beginning, Thursday, January 12, 2023 through March 2, 2023. All classes are virtual through Zoom. To register for this FREE class call 541-910-0661 or 541-786-5535
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Conscious Discipline for Families! Free class beginning, Thursday, January 12, 2023 through March 2, 2023. All classes are virtual through Zoom. To register for this FREE class call 541-910-0661 or 541-786-5535
Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 6, 2022!
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 6, 2022!
Wrestling for K-8th grade is now open!
about 2 years ago, Deb Comfort
La Grande Mat Club invites you to wrestle, registration is open and is for kids in K-8th grades contact Alree Anderson at 541-786-5891