Keeping Our Kids Cyber Safe Parent Presentation Hosted by IMESD

"Keeping Our Kids Cyber Safe"
Parent Presentation


WHEN: May 10th (6:00-8:00pm)

WHERE: La Grande High School Auditorium

WHO: All parents, guardians, teachers and grandparents

Hosted by: InterMountain ESD

Detective Richard Wistocki, nationally recognized High Technology Cyber Crimes Specialist will be Presenting Information and Strategies on:

•Understand cyber-crime and that â€śNo one online is anonymous”
•Understand appropriate protocols when someone discloses issues of cyber-bullying, sexting, or sextortion.
•How to report criminal Cyber-Bullying.
•Understand the dangers of many popular apps
•How Internet investigations are conducted using subpoenas and search warrants.
•Understand social media laws such as: Harassment, Cyber-Stalking and False Personation.
•How to empower yourself to report cyber crime and harassment.
•How to protect your “digital footprint” and understand what it means to your future.
•Open Forum Q&A.

Keeping Our Kids Cyber Safe flyer